Sunday, May 1, 2011

May day!

I remember being a little scamp and stealing flowers from some old lady's garden and then ringing my neighbors doorbell and running away giggling madly!

Oh those were the days right? When little things meant so very much to us. Today I went to work and listened to incredibly ignorant and I am just going to be honest...ugly. I mean I don't really care if you are ugly or beautiful but when you are missing tons of teeth due to their crazy drug abuse habits I cringe and turn into a jerk.

I don't like being a jerk to general public at my job but then again I do...I really do. I give everyone a chance to prove to me when that they are not without brains but then when I tell someone the movie is sold out and they say "What do you mean, like...I can still buy tickets right?" I really just want to slap them in face but I doubt they would even understand why I did it.

So I am not sure if I am going to post every day this month but I will try and post as much as I can. I will try and think of awesome stories to tell.

I wrote this right after the announcement that we killed Osama Bin Laden had been killed but I left out a long and drawn out statement because what I believe about this situation doesn't need to be said. I am happy for our nation upon the idea that we accomplished something great but I will never applaud murder on either side of the barbed wire.

1 comment:

  1. When I was walking through the park the other day, I realized how much I missed being able to play pretend and get so excited about the little things: a spot of deep mud, or a huge puddle of water to jump into...I miss being a kid sometimes.
