Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Am I nerd enough?

So if you have been reading my blog this month you know a little about me. So to go into more detail I want to say this...I wish I could be more of a nerd.

OK, so I already collect comics, watch anime, playing magic, I have spent hours on WOW, and am sort of in love with Star Trek. OK I know that is grounds for being a inducted in the nerd hall of fame but I still feel like I could do more.

So I was thinking "what could I do to be more geeky". I was thinking that I don't really go and play magic with people anymore, if I am not playing with my wonderful wife I am playing against people I don't know online. I could frequent my local comics shop and play Friday night magic but you know since I only work the weekends now because of school that really isn't possible and none of my friends play.

I also want to get deeper into the online world of geekolgy. I already have a pretty long list of people that I follow on youtube. Even though I wish that I could film videos that people would want to see but I have no idea how to thrust myself into that arena.

I guess on this quest to become an better geek I will just have to own it. I will wear my Pokemon T-shirt more in public, I will try harder to be who I am. I love these things so much  and I wish I had more friends to share these things with. I am sure that some day they will emerge from the shadows with decks in hand and then life will be good. Until then....


  1. I say: Embrace the geekiness! You should definitely go down to a local shop to play, even if it's not Friday Night Magic. And maybe join some forums that discuss X-Files and comics, etc! It turns out, nerds have more fun.

  2. dude me and my friends go to fnm all the time. our summer is basically a giant deck workshop trying to beat the $500 netdecks with our $50 budget decks. also throwing a little d&d in there wouldn't hurt either
