Tuesday, April 5, 2011

If I said this...

So I have been thinking a lot about the internet and writing over the past four days. How so many people can impact the lives of others just by blogging and so forth. I mean it might not impact your life in a great and life changing manner but it might make you smile and laugh. Smiling and laughing to me are such profound things but we take them for granted most every day. A couple of weeks ago my wife and I were hanging out with a couple of friends and we stayed up all night just talking and laughing. We were all laughing so hard that was getting out of control but we all felt great.

I know that it made my night a million times better to share stories and laugh. Since I have started blogging I want to tell funny stories and make people I don't know laugh. I think that I have a tendency to be funny in group situations and I am trying to think of the internet as being a giant group of friends. I want to tell my stories to them but how is that I get more ideas and things out there. Well I guess first I needed to start a blog. Done. Next I need to post my blog and like minded forums. Done. These things were easy but now I guess I have to keep up on blogging and saying things that I think and feel even if it might not mesh well with all of the people who read my blog but isn't that one of the greatest fundamental points of language so that we can learn and explore it in every direction no matter our own personal beliefs. Just because I believe we never landed on the moon and the government has spent billions of our tax dollars on keeping this belief afloat does not mean that I am write or wrong or that your opinion is right or wrong. That is the beauty of language and of free will and having our own minds and thoughts. OK I guess I better wrap this up before I write ten pages on this. So what am I saying is that if I say something you think is weird or I sound out of my mind call me on it. Write me a comment so that we can grow as people and as intelligent beings.

Time for another quote:

"My god, I disagree with you and it took you almost five whole minutes to call me a Nazi."
--Hal Jordan (New Earth)

1 comment:

  1. I definitely think that I would still have many of the same convictions regarding ideas/life if you had never called me on it, questioned my logic, or reminded me to look at a different point of view. It's one of the things that's so great about you! You remind me to question things that are told to me or that I tell myself!
