Saturday, April 16, 2011

Stand up

Stand up comedy is something that I truly love when it is done right. For a long time I wanted to be a stand up comedian but I really am not that funny. I thought of a lot of material that I thought would make people laugh but as I thought it over and over in my head I realized that I was probably the only one who would find it funny. So I gave up on that dream pretty fast. I don't feel that bad about it really because you only really hear horror stories about how hard it is to go into stand up. I do something still fantasize about being in front of people and cracking jokes about being young and married.

It is pretty odd that when you are young and married that people tend to tell you that you were wrong in marrying so young. When middle age ladies say to me "oh you are so have so much more life to live". I really want to say "Whoa lady! You don't even know me. Do you honestly believe that your life ends as soon are you get married? Why would you say such an evil thing to a complete stranger? You should be ashamed of yourself!" but I just nod and go "Oh haha" and trail off uncomfortably because I talk a big game but when it comes to stuff like that I back down. However if anyone ever wants something for free at my work I shut that stuff down right away. I can be firm and confident when it doesn't involve me but when it is personal I just shut down and think funny come backs in my head. Now I guess I know why I wouldn't be good as a stand up because I am always afraid to be funny because I think I'm pretty unfunny.

One day maybe I will find an open mike night and try it out...but until then I will just keep cracking myself up!


  1. Molly Mistress of The Black SeaApril 16, 2011 at 10:30 PM

    Psh you crack Abby and I up all the time. You're definitely not the only one who thinks you're funny!

  2. I'm with Molly! You make me laugh more than anyone I've ever met! Just pretend that everyone is ME and then you'll have no problem with saying aloud your clever comebacks. I would love to see you at an open mic can practice in front of me!
