Wednesday, April 13, 2011


So I love movies. I wish that I would abuse my free movie discount more but going to back work after you just spent 8 hours there doesn't really sound like a lot of fun. I do watch a lot of movies on Netflix but I still wish that I watched more. I love all genres except for classics. I really hate almost all of the old school black and white movies. I loath everything about Gone with the Wind and I could care less about Casablanca! I can swing some of the classic monster movies but that I think is just because of what they are. I will say that The Creature from the Black Lagoon is an amazing movie for what it is and if you haven't seen in you MUST!

So I grew up just as most of you did watching Disney movies. I again hate the classics like Snow White and Sleeping Beauty but I love Aladdin and Beauty and the Beast but I lost faith when when Mulan and Pocahontas and almost everything since they except for Pixar but I will not attribute anything Disney to the production of Pixar movies. My wife and I watched Tangled last night and I liked it. The songs could still use some work but I felt like we are getting closer to what they used to be. Princess and the Frog was boring and it didn't keep my interest at all. I want to feel the same way that I do when I hear "Be our Guest" still to this day. I want the movie and the music to move me. I want to feel for the characters. I want my children to like it on more than "its pretty". I guess that is the main point. I want movies to last longer than the hour and half that originally put into it. I want to be able to watch it over and over and still love it. I can watch the first and second Teenage Mutant Turtle movies over and over and they still hold up. Sure they have tons of nineties lingo and clothing but they still are amazing. I still feel the same way I did when I was a kind. I want a purple bandana and I want to join in!

When did movies become just about the money? Avatar made so much money and I am going to boycott it for life because of what it stands for. The death of film all together will be traced back to that movie. The digital era is strong and overwhelming and we will lose everything that film produced for everyone for so many years. I don't need to see product placement in a movie unless it is a major joke like in Wayne's World 2. When I watched Grown Ups I wasn't sure if I wanted Pepsi or KFC more. It is sick and twisted. When we watch a movie like that in twenty years will we still even have those products and after all that time the money that was shilled out to place those products will long be spent and have no relevance. I hate what the movie industry is becoming and I am sad that I won't get to enjoy movies more than once.

1 comment:

  1. There are so many bad movies made lately that it's hard to find one that really sucks me in anymore! It's such a bummer.

    At least we have our classics!
