Saturday, April 2, 2011

Another day...

Today is another day isn't it. I just got up just as I always do on Saturdays and went to work. Today wasn't a horrible day at work if you don't think about stupid people asking stupid questions but I guess that comes with any job where you work openly with the public.

Today I had a lot of time to think about where my life is going. I sat upstairs at my theater and read Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. I have been rereading the series once again but this time it is landing in my brain in a much different way. I have been trying to write a novel for a few years now. I started one that was based on my own personal trials but it got lost in the fold as it always does. This year I did what most people do and promised myself that I would do "this year"... So I started again but this time it was a fantasy novel that I have always wanted to write. I am about seven chapters in but due to school and sickness I lost my pattern of writing for at least one hour a day. I really like writing and I feel that I am more than adequate at stringing words together but for some reason I tell myself that I am no good and why would I even try to write when I obviously have no talent. I guess that comes with being a writer and not ever really having people tell you that you are good its hard to believe them when they are being honest. Back to Harry. So while I'm reading the series this time I am trying to think of what J.K was thinking when she wrote these books. Did she have it all planned out. Was she afraid that it would never even happen. I know that she has a pretty amazing story that goes along with Harry and I just hope one day that will happen to me.

So I will end today with a quote..."Please, Captain, not in front of the Klingons" Spock to Kirk

I love this quote. The nerd in me will never die.

1 comment:

  1. Um please start writing Garrek again, as you do rock at writing and I do not like having started to read your awesome book only to have you quit writing it. Even if you only so 30 minutes a day instead of an hour, some writing would be good.
