Thursday, April 21, 2011

Day 21

I have been doing a good job. I have been posting every day and keeping true to my word. I mean it doesn't really matter in the grand scheme of things but it does mean something to me. I am probably going to try and post every day for as long as I can just so that it is there and I know it is an outlet for me to say what I want to say.

So on another note. Today I was trying to figure out if I was going to skip class or not. I mean it is a pretty easy thing to figure out. Do I go or don't I. Do or don't. I mean if you know for sure that you don't want to do something it is easy for you not to do it but today was not one of those days. I was tired and unmotivated about school. I like school and I like my subjects but I feel that when I am sitting in class I am taking it all in but the people around me are not and it bums me out. I know that sounds weird but I want to help them and explain to them in a way that they understand but I am not the teacher, I shouldn't have to do that.

I had two things planned for my day before class. I needed to go to the store to shop for Abby and Molly for their Easter baskets and I wanted Jo Jo's for lunch. It took about an hour and half to do those two things. After that I spent hours thinking about class. Asking myself if I needed to go. If I didn't go would I miss something important, would my teacher assign something that I need to do. All of those kinds of things kept me on the side of going but I was pretty tired after writing for an hour and playing Diablo for two. I flipped a coin and it told me not to go to class but I didn't take its word. I thought about consulting the I Ching but I wasn't sure if the Sage would really help me in this area. I landed on the last resort. I took a nap and before I laid down I told myself if I wake up with enough time to go to class then I would. My class is at 5:10 and it takes about 11 minutes to get to school from my house. I woke up at 4:51. Sure I could just close my eyes and roll back over and sleep until my wife came home or I could get up and make it there just in time. I tossed and rolled all over the bed until I about fell off. I took this as the last sign. I needed to go to class.

So I made it to school with time to spare. Class was a big waste of time but my teacher did say as he was handing my test back to me "Watch out for that Ben guy his analytical skills are scary, head hunters will be coming for him soon enough" so I guess it was worth it. Thanks universe...I guess.


  1. Your analytical skills are scary? I assume that means scary good. I'm not surprised by that.

  2. I'm not surprised by your teacher's comment either! I think it's awesome that your teachers are finally seeing how intelligent and amazing you are!

    Also, I have toooootally had those days in school. Should I go? Shouldn't I? I almost always did.

    I like this post :)

  3. I think we all have those days of school. I usually go as well, although last week I decided I needed sleep more than to go to my 8am Business Law class. Mostly just because I had a test in my class after that one so I wanted sleep so I could do well. Or so I told myself.
