Monday, April 11, 2011

To be a boy again

I had a pretty rough afternoon today and I was feeling pretty crappy, so I did what I always do when I am down and sitting alone in the a apartment. I turned on the TV and started flipping. Cheaters was on G4, the mariners played a night game, and comedy central was playing the same episode of Colbert that has been playing all weekend, so I just flipped. Finally I landed on a childhood favorite, pro-wrestling. Well before Raw was on a new reality TV show starring none other than Stone Cold Steve Austin was on. As I watched Stone Cold yelling at wannabe new wrestlers I drifted back to my youth.

I remember my cousin and I would sit on the phone and watch WWF together from separate households giving each other play by plays even though we were watching the same thing. We were pretty poor so we could never afford the pay per views so we would wait up all Sunday night and then scour the internet for postings that told us who won and what happened. I remember being personally hurt when one of my favorite wrestlers were being beaten badly by the current heal and laughing out loud at the colorful antics of Degeneration X. I remember the sound of Stone Cold's music filling the room and me and my cousin jumping out of our seats and screaming!

As the reality show ended Raw began right away. The ring is still the same and the characters are still larger than life but they lack the passion and conviction that once captivated my mind every Monday night. I miss the feelings and the passion I once held for these people. As an adult I know how bad the industry is and how terrible the wrestlers get treated and how it ruins there lives. I know all that but I still feel myself drifting back to the sounds of entry music and heads banging off turnbuckles. I really wish that I could really and truly revert my mind back to the days when I would defend to the death that it was real and that one day I would be in that ring holding the belt over my head while millions of fans scream my name. Dreams are that, just dreams. The reality is I love my life now and my dream became my wife who I live for every day. I would give up being a professional wrestler a hundred times over for my wife.

And to keep on topic. I am outta here "IF YOU SMEELELELELELELEL... WHAT THE ROCK...IS COOKIN`!"


  1. Stone Cold was so good! And The Rock. I used to defend wrestling and pretty much every thing else I believed was music videos, santa claus, and all those other good things! There's definitely something so magical about believing so deeply in something.

    Did you know...I believe in YOU? You're so awesome in so many ways, and I love reading your blog!

    I wish I could believe in the Mariners the way I used to believe in wrestling.

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