Thursday, April 14, 2011


Lately I have been craving something but I can't figure out what it is. Is it something sweet like candy or cakes? Is it something like Mongolian chicken from my home town that I can't get? Is it something that you can only get one place in the world and it is only open for one week out of the entire year like fair food? Who knows?

I wish I did. I wish I knew what my cravings meant. This week I ate an entire white cake by myself and honestly I want to eat like ten more of them. I want to take a shower in orange soda and wash with hair with chocolate frosting. Then dry myself off with a towel made of cinnamon toast! I am a sugarholic most of the time. I know its bad for me and I know that I might end up being a 400 pound lump of diabetic fat but as of right now I don't care!

I love my staples of snacks as well. I am almost positive that the person who invented the corn dog got the noble peace prize in culinary arts. I wouldn't check my facts but I am almost always sometimes right. This blog is making me hungry and I have a nice piece of pizza staring at me right now so I better go and eat.


  1. I think this post is my favorite for SO many reasons! I love the inside jokes. They are SO nice for me!
