Saturday, April 9, 2011 evil shall escape my sight...

I have been reading a lot of green lantern comics lately and it has got me thinking about super heroes in general. I am a sucker for a good super hero origin story. Superman has had a few and even in one he became a green lantern! But I have been really thinking about he up coming Green Lantern movie. When the first trailer was released I wasn't very happy about how it looked. I am a Ryan Reynolds fan don't get me wrong but I have always seen Hal Jordan as someone else. I don't know who I would have chosen to play him but I wouldn't have gone to him. I know the main argument on the internet is that he is already Deadpool but that doesn't matter to me because I am pretending that the Wolverine movie never happened. The special effects and mostly the CGI suit was what turned me off of the movie from the first trailer.

But just recently at Wondercon they released some more footage of the movie and it blew me away. Seeing Oa in that way and seeing all of the green lanterns in one place was pretty amazing. Sinistro also looks pretty rad even with the giant CGI overhaul. I now looking forward to my second must see summer movie. First being of course the next and final installment of Harry Potter. I am going to weep like a baby with a skinned knee while watching it. I am planning on dressing up for the first time in my life and going to the first midnight show. I am going to geek out like never before! Well with that said and done I am going to post the new Green Lantern trailer so anyone who actually reads this will see what I mean. It really makes me want to jump on the band wagon and it gives me faith that we might get a good origin story after all!

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you're getting excited for the movie! I had forgotten that Harry Potter was coming out this summer...but I am SO ready to see you dressed up and ready to go.
