Sunday, April 3, 2011

Death and Life

So it came to me last night while I was sleeping. Well I guess I was half sleeping due to noises that creep into my bedroom while I sleep and inhabit my brain...I was thinking about death. I don't really do this a lot because I have gone through some pretty horrible deaths in the past few years but I was thinking about it in a strange way. You know when you are watching a T.V show and one of your favorite characters die. Well if you were one of the millions of people who watched LOST you should know what I am talking about. I am talking about Charlie of course. Because of his personal life he decided to leave the show, in doing this they thought "Why don't we just kill him?" I really hate when that happens and it makes me terribly mad that actors don't have enough pride in their own work that they would let some kind of personal relationship issue ruin a good thing...

OK well that was just the beginning of my thought process then I just told myself "It's life and death". Then I thought "Why is it always said life and death? Why not death and life?" these types of terms have always erked me. I like to say Paper Rock Scissors. People always give me crap for it but it doesnt change the game so why does it matter. I don't really think that the creator of this game which I think was the Chinese over a thousand years ago would really care which came first. OK so stay with me here. I then went to "what came first the chicken or the egg" and that lead to religion and then I looked at the clock and it had been an hour of me sitting in the silence of night trying to crack the code to the universe and just so you know...I am no closer than I have even been.

So in summation, Death and Life, Paper Rock Scissors, and the egg


  1. "It is what it is." :)

    Your blog is awesome.

  2. It raises the question in and of itself why you feel the need to explore these deeper mysteries? Have they aided you in development as a person? Or is it merely an itch to scratch. Or what if there isn't a code to crack? What if its all just anarchy?
    You wanted questions.
    On a more mundane note. They kill him because it's better for them to die and be remembered than for it to be as if they were never there. That would just make the whole series silly.
